Which Weight Loss Drink Is The Best ?

Weight loss is something that has troubled people of every generation and almost every ethnicity. The size of the weight management market in India alone touched Rs. 1.72 lakh crore in 2022. There are countless diet plans for weight loss readily available online, each claiming to be the  best. People have tried different combinations at different times, most still in search for the perfect plan for weight loss. But is there really any such thing? Can weight loss exercise alone enable weight loss or do we need a more holistic approach? I feel that weight loss is moreover a combination of exercise, diet and lifestyle.

 Many people eat packaged food but opt for skim milk. Is that healthy? Weight loss foods should be fresh and unprocessed. We need to go back to our roots and understand that weight loss is really based on simple, unpolished farm fresh foods. People drink alcohol and soda on a regular basis and try to workout their toxins in the gym. Is that healthy? 

What is the Most Basic Rule For Weight Loss ?


  • DO NOT DRINK PACKAGED BEVERAGESPackaged drinks do not  contain any dietary fibers, vitamins or minerals. Some contain a high amount of sugar and soda. These are linked to obesity and fatty liver diseases. The most basic rule for weight loss is to avoid packaged drinks and sodas.
  • DRINK NATURAL PRODUCTS – The most natural beverage is water, followed by milk, coffee, tea and fruit juices. They keep your body hydrated. They are nutritious as they contain vitamins and minerals and natural sugars.

How Much Tea Can We Drink ?


Since we cannot always drink water at all times we have a variety of other natural drinks.


Although a good and tasty second, is not advisable to drink on a regular basis. Simply because fruits contain delicate  fibers and vitamins that get destroyed in the juice making process. Thus juices are less healthy than their fruits eaten as whole.


Milk can be consumed in many forms like milkshakes or smoothies or plain milk. But it is heavy and takes time to digest. So it should not be consumed in large quantities and directly before or after a meal, as it is a meal in itself.


Coffee contains more caffeine than tea. Multiple cups of coffee in a day can lead to anxiety, headaches and digestive issues.


Tea contains less caffeine than coffee. Black tea is stronger and more oxidized than green tea. On one hand, where black tea keeps you more alert, green tea contains healthier compounds.


The number one weight loss mantra is – STOP PACKAGED DRINKS ! Replace it with natural products. Where juices, milk, coffee and black tea can be had in moderations – Green Tea can be the healthiest option post meals and workouts.

Visit our website to view the largest collection of green tea available in all price range and packaging https://yava.co.in/



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